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The API Management Service controls how api services are exposed to employees by applying authentication, authorization, and usage limits.
Navigate to Azure API Management services page
Create haddley-api
haddley-api will be created
haddley-api deployment in progress
haddley-api deployment complete
haddley-api overview
Existing Web Service API (no authentication)
Existing API includes Swagger
Url to swagger.json definition
Add API to API Management
Provide url to swagger.json
Review API details
Test /Book GET
Test is successful
Create Power Connector (for Power Apps)
Provide connector name
New custom connector has been added
Edit the connector to review
Notice that an API Key/Subscription is required
+ New connection (based on the Custom Connector)
A Subscription key has to be provided
Using Chrome to call the API Management service without passing the Subscription key
Using Postman to call the API Management service without passing the Subscription key
Notice that a Subscription key was provided in the API Management test page
Using Postman to call the API Management service providing the Subscription key
The same Subscription key value can be copied from the API Management Subscriptions page
Enter the Subscription key
The new connection has been created
Create a test Power App
Blank Power App
Add a data source
The connector has been added
Add a button and configure the "OnSelect" handler
OnSelect books will be retrieved and stored in a "colBooks" collection
Preview the app
Press the Button
Navigate to Collections to review the result
Add a gallery control and set items property to colBooks collection
update the gallery control to display book titles and isbn (numbers)
Add a new subscription
Copy the subscription key
Edit the connection
Update the subscription key